A fifth year Information Science PhD candidate at Cornell University advised by Drew Margolin.
Generally, I’m interested in the ways both activist and extremist identities and ideologies are built and maintained using various social media platforms. This interest piqued a desire to examine the way moral language is utilized to condemn or justify political violence. Specifically, my dissertation will examine how politically motivated actors moralize acts of harm (i.e. political violence). I employ semi-supervised and unsupervised learning methods to examine text as data, particularly from sources such as Twitter, YouTube and Gab.
Before arriving to Cornell, I earned both my B.S. and M.S. in Psychology from Prairie View A&M University and the University of Texas at San Antonio, respectively.
After UTSA, I had the pleasure to work as a Research Analyst in Institutional Research at Tarrant County College.
She, Her(s)
I am a first-generation college graduate, and I will be the first person in my family to earn a Doctorate degree. That holds incredible weight for me, and I seek to mentor future scholars throughout my journey.
Selected as a member of the third cohort for Siegel Family Endowment Research Fellows.
Teaching Assistant for INFO 2950 Introduction to Data Science
Teaching Assistant for INFO 3350/6350 Text Mining History & Literature
Recipient of the Siegel Public Interest Tech Impact Fellowship PiTech Fellow 2023 - Working with Block Party - Improving community board meeting summarization pipeline using NLP
Completed a 2023 PhD ML/AI Internship at Regeneron Pharmacuticals, Inc. - People Analytics and Reporting
🎉🎉🎉 Passed my A-Exam and moved to candidacy! 🎉🎉🎉
Graduate Student Rep. for Cornell University’s Undergraduate Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (2021 - 2023) - CU NSBE
The Siegel Public Interest Tech Impact Fellowship PiTech Fellow 2023
Awarded APSA 2022 Travel Grant through Political Communication
Awarded GHC Student Scholarship to attend the virtual component of the 2022 Grace Hopper Celebration
2022 Graduate Diversity and Inclusion Distinguished Award Winner: Exemplary Service Award - Early Career Student
2022 Diversity Programs in Engineering’s (DPE) Annual Award Winner: The Robert Mozia Graduate Student Distinguished Service Award
Awarded the 2022 - 2023 GEM Fellowship - Employer Fellow - Sponsoring Company: Lam Research
Co-Author & Awardee of an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Mini-Grant to support Sloan UCEM Scholar community development, mental health, and wellbeing: Systemtic Change Award of $10,000 – Andrea Robinson and Breanna Green
Panelist at APSA 2022 - Listening and Reacting to Communication - Examining Associations of Voter Turnout in 2021 VA Gubernatorial Election
Completed a Summer 2022 Graduate Data Science Internship at Liberty Mutual - Talent Analytics
Collaborating with the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism GIFCT on their Technical Approaches: Tooling, Algorithms & Artificial Intelligence Working Group (2021 - 2022)
Academic Excellence Chair for the Cornell University Black Graduate & Professional Student Association (2021 - 2022) - CU BGPSA
Spoke at my first virtual conference! August 20, 2020 -TEx Transfer Student Success Conference for UofH Downtown (Session Focus: IT)
I was featured in a Summer 2020 1MWIS article (a global network of women in STEM)
For questions related to my research, inquiries to collaborate, or prospective graduate students that are looking to ask a few questions, please email me at BEGreen(AT)infosci(DOT)cornell(DOT)edu.